- 2 sketches of poster layouts (pencil on paper – with a border around each sketch. Sketches should mimic the proportions of the poster).
- Completed 6 digital renderings of your sketches into illustrator
Poster Design – Layout
Project specs:
- Poster 11×17 inches (Photoshop 300DPI or Illustrator–your choice)
- Vertical layout
- .5” margins
- Use of bleeds if necessary
- Suggested title: Visit NYC
- Tagline: 24 hours in the city that never sleeps
- Fine print (body copy): Visit NYC! From historical landmarks to newer destinations, come and see the best New York attractions. For more information on NYC parks, art museums, culture spots and historical venues visit:
Review Photoshop: Lesson9
- Organizing poster-layout
- Layer palette details
- Organizing layers and folders
- Type
- Masking
1. Gail Anderson
Lab-time to work. I will meet with each of you individually.
- First draft of poster due next week – end of class