Week 6 – 7260

Hello and welcome to week 6.

Today’s Agenda


>> Review web design layouts. In class critique.

>> Setting up a horizontal navigation bar using HTML and CSS
Here are the lesson example files: week6-lesson



1. Continue to work and refine your website layout in either Photoshop and Illustrator. Ideally I would like to see a design for each of the four main sections of your site. Everyone should have a finalized draft for next Monday.

2. Inventory of work: if you have not already done so, it’s time to sort through the portfolio pieces you intend to show in your portfolio. How many pieces of work will you be showing? Basically you need to locate and identify the work that you would like to have featured in your portfolio. The suggestion here is to complete the following steps.
>>Locate all the work from prior semesters and determine 8-12 pieces that you would like to feature:
This could include development items such as sketches, storyboards etc.
Your goal is to isolate the work that you need to focus on for resizing (especially if you are planning on using thumbnails).
Separate work into folders
Once in the folders, you most likely will need to revisit and refine, so make a TO DO list of what needs to be done and give yourself a time-frame of when you will complete it by.

3. Focus on creating a site color palette:
a.  Create a key for the colors you chose to work with. Each color should appear in a perfect square box and have a reference number to go with it.
b.  For help check out: www.colorjack.com