Week1 – ADV1162

Welcome to the first class of the semester!

We will be working in close collaboration with Professor Devers who you have for English Composition 1, ENG 1101. Our classes are paired as part of a learning community and will allow us to explore relevant subject matter ideally creating a productive environment for exploring, learning, researching, and critical thinking.

Please see the handouts given in class today, as well as the lecture/ lesson topics, and the homework assignment due for next week.


Lecture Topic
Introduction to the semester

  • Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Vector vs. bitmap, print vs. web, resolution, saving, file formats, file management
  • Workspace
  • Role of a designer
  • Introduction to Project 1 – poster design- we will be working on the poster design over the next several weeks. We will start by researching the subject matter and exploring different possible design solutions. The assignment will take us through several stages in the design process. You will be assessed on each stage of this process – so please do not rush ahead…)


  • Chose a designer for in-class presentation (see handout above). Presentations start week5.
  • Register for this blog to receive regular updates
  • Send me a ‘professional’ email with your signature (contact information)
  • Research: Voting themes, ‘democracy’- words associations. Post five words to this blog that you associate with the definition of a ‘democracy’.


  • www.commarts.com
  • www.aiga.com
  • www.tdc.org
  • www.adcglobal.org