Week2 – ADV3662
Hello! Welcome to week2.
- Photoshop gif animation experiment (I will ask you to save to my computer in class)
- One inspirational website from www.commarts.com
- Frame-by-frame animation
- File optimization, save for web: PNG, SVG, GIF & JPEG, (www.kraken.io/)
- Photoshop animation exercises and experiments: Lessons-week2
- Setting up a web hosting plan. You will need to have a host and a domain name for the class. Here are two options: Kionic.com or Aplus.net. If you already have you do not need to set up a new one for this class.
- Example Info-Graphics both static and interactive:
http://columnfivemedia.com/ (Design agency that specializes in Info-Graphics)
Project 1 Specs
-> Specifications for Banner ad:
728 x 210 Large Leaderboard – after the ad is designed and approved (static version) we will build the animation over the next few classes using Edge Animate. All images will need to be saved for web at 72dpi
- Watch short video: Grant Skinner – Interactive Developer
- Finish frame-by-frame animation
- Begin to work on homework
DUE: Monday 9.23
Turn in a written description of the PSA, answering the questions 1-4 (see handout week 1), plus any other information and research about the issue the PSA addresses or serves. You may also describe what the PSA will look like, and can make references to the look of other media.