Week15 – GRA3611

Hello class,

Thank you for being so diligent in my absence. I really appreciate all your emails and getting me your final projects. I will pick up your booklets from school. I can’t wait to see the end results!

Mateo Taiyo Kanaiwa was born on May 22, 2011 at 10:56PM. He weighed 7lbs 10oz (3.46kg). He is happy and healthy – and I am thrilled!

Here’s the little guy:

Have a great summer!
And to those of you who are graduating a big congratulations!!

Please stay in touch.


Week13 – GRA3611

Hello class,

As I mentioned I will not be in class for the last two weeks of the semester because I am at the end of my pregnancy and the baby is due at any moment (!!).  I will no longer require you to physically come to class. Please see the details below about the last two weeks of the semester.
At this point I should have received a draft of your final PDF for the booklet. If you have emailed it to me and did not hear back from me, it means I did not receive it. So please follow up with me. I need to receive this from everyone by Sunday at the latest. I would like to have a brief conversation with you over the phone after I receive your booklet. I was supposed to call some of you yesterday, but ran out of time. I will try to ring you today (Sat).

You then have the remaining two weeks to make any final edits and have the book printed.

Week 14: (May 18th) For this Weds I would like you to go on a field trip to the Art Director’s Club. You can go on your own time at any point during the week. The exhibit I would like you to go see is the:

90th Annual Awards Exhibition
May 11 – 26, 2011

Gallery open Monday-Friday, 10am – 6pm.
ADC Gallery
106 West 29th Street, NYC

Note: if you can go on Thursday, May 19th, from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM you will be able to pick up free paper samples from their paper expo show the evening before.

When you hand in your final booklet, I would also like you to include a brief statement citing one designer from the show that you really liked and describe the piece they created – this will count as your attendance for week14.

Week 15: (May 25th) The printed booklets are DUE. I would like you to submit your printed and bound booklet to Ms. Bernard-Hill in N1113. Please include your statement from your visit to the ADC. Make sure you submit your statement and booklet in a self-addressed envelope, so that I can send it back to you over the summer once I have reviewed it. – This will also count as your attendance for week15.

Feel free to email me with any questions.

It’s very exciting to see your projects come to life. I really enjoyed the semester with you. Good luck with the last two weeks of the semester! Have a great summer and I will see you in the Fall.

Week 12 – GRA3611

Hello GRA3611,

Here is a review of the 3D grid I showed in class last week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la-f2rY-p6w

As you know the final PDF of your booklet is due to be handed in to me next week. I will also ask everyone to print out and hand in a black and white draft of your booklet trimmed to size (so bring any necessary trimming materials with you to class).

Here are the requirements for your final booklet: GRA3611-FinalDeck

I am due to deliver my baby the following week, so I will likely not be there the last two weeks of the semester. You will have the remaining two weeks to go into production mode and have your books printed professionally. I would like to collect a copy of your final booklet by May 25th. I will ask you to put your book in self-addressed envelope and drop it off for me in my mail box in P100. Over the summer I will review your book and mail it back to you.

I will provide you with more detail next week as to what will happen in the two weeks that I am not there.

If you have not already done so, please decide on a printer and get a price quote from them. Here are two printer recommendations near campus:
Remsen Graphics
(718) 643-7500
165 Remsen St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Rolling Press (They are a ‘green’ printer)
15 denton place, park slope
brooklyn, ny 11215
718 625 6800

And here are two additional handouts I gave in week 11:
=> If you are going to include some sort of promotional materials in your booklet see this handout: GRA3611_Promotional_Assignment
=> If you are going to include an advertisement in your booklet see this handout (remember you only have to chose one venue: i.e. Magazine, Billboard, Subway, etc.) GRA3611_Ad_Assignment

Let me know if you have questions!
Good luck with it all…


Week10 – GRA3611

Hello class,

I’m sorry to bother you as we enter into spring break but I want to make sure everyone is clear on the upcoming deadlines. Just remember summer is around the corner and then hopefully you can truly relax.

The final project is DUE May 11th as a PDF (two weeks after spring break). That allows two additional weeks for production – printing.

At this point everyone should have a  draft of your Project Deck set up in InDesign. Feel free to send me a PDF of the file via email if you want some feedback.
Look at week9 if you need more information about what goes within the project deck. And look to the student examples I provided in class.

In addition to what is listed in Week9. I would like you to chose two additional items from the list below to be included in your final deck.
1. Packaging design (full comp of packaging)

2. Instruction manual (detailing how your product is to be used, or detailing unique features and design of your product.)

3. Advertising , choose any one of the following:

  • Magazine ads – min. of 3, same concept different representation
  • Billboards – min. of 3, same concept different representation. Ads sized for bus stops, buses & taxis, highways…
  • Subway ads – min. of 3, same concept different representation. Ads sized for space.

4. Promotions, choose any one of the following:

  • Promotional cards – wave or staggered distribution min. of 5 different cards
  • Premium promotional giveaways/ merchandising – gift item, product that raises awareness about your subject (hats, key-chains, bags, hang-tags…)
  • DVD of CD package – case/container, label & min. 6 page booklet
  • Website – min. 4 screen shots
  • Flash Promotional Animation – min. 20 secs

Again, I am only asking you chose two items from everything that is listed above. You can print out this document for a completed list of what goes in the project deck: GRA3611-FinalDeck
And here is a template of an InDesign file for a spiral bind booklet 10x 7 inch, no spreads (with a baseline grid set to a leading of 14pt): Deck-7x10in_SpiralBind.indd

I hope you can use the week to keep plugging away at the project.

Good luck with it! Feel free to email me if you get stuck. We can try to set up a phone date to problem solve.



Week9 – GRA3611

Hello all,

For next week I would like everyone to set up their project deck (the booklet) in InDesign. The dimensions for this and what type of binding you decide to use are up to you to decide. I recommend speaking with a printer in the next few days to double check that the booklet dimensions that you set up, will be possible to print and bind. They should also be able to tell you how much extra margin you will need to leave for the binding and the cost. (See printer suggestions below.)

In class we talked about the three different kinds of binding options:
1. Spiral bound (the advantage to this type is you don’t really have to worry about spreads and imposition.
2. Saddle Stich
3. Perfect Bound.

Here is a related handout I gave out in class: GRA3611_Booklets

For next week your project deck should include:
1  Cover
2. Copyright page: your name, project name and date
3. Table of Content
4. Statement and description of problem / Design Concept – a summary of the solution, with stated goals and objectives of the project
5. Historical overview – documentation of research (highlights of historical context)
6.  Assessment of current industry. Find at least three examples of products you feel are well presented in the marketplace. (They do not have to be the same subject matter as your product.) You should find examples to use as inspiration and guidance.
7. Assessment of marketplace. How is your product unique to the marketplace? What other products are similar to yours and currently available? How will your product distinguish itself from competition?
8. Final identity design (include logo clear-space details and size specifications. Look at the student examples that I provided in class for guidance on this.)
9. Style Guide (see handout – week8)
10. Product rendering – created in Illustrator

I would like to collect a PDF draft of your booklet this coming Weds.

Here is the website we looked at for downloading InDesgin templates: www.blurb.com. You have to sign up with the site in order to access the templates but they don’t require more than your email address. They can print your book for you, but you don’t have to use them. You can also choose to go with another printer.

Here are two printer recommendations near campus:
Remsen Graphics
(718) 643-7500
165 Remsen St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Rolling Press (They are a ‘green’ printer)
15 denton place, park slope
brooklyn, ny 11215
718 625 6800

Next week is our last class before spring break. After spring break we will focus on the ads, packaging and promotional materials.
The final project is DUE May 11th as a PDF (two weeks after spring break). That allows two additional weeks for production – printing.

Let me know if you have questions!


Week8 – GRA3611


Since I did not post last week (week7) I am combining the postings with this weeks. It’s really exciting to see your projects come together – I saw some really nice work today!

By now I should have received your:
1. Finalized logo – in Illustrator
2. One product rendering – in Illustrator (this is a representation of your product).
3. Your product research document (this is the text describing your product that will appear in your project deck (see week 3 for the original assignment)

These three pieces will count towards your Midterm grade.

Here are the handouts from last week: (Please read them carefully)
GRA3611-ProjectDeck-Part1 (We will be setting up the booklet in InDesign next week. If you have time feel free to get stated on it, but before you do,  make sure you have the above three items 100% complete – Logo, Product Rendering, and Product Research Text.)

Here is a tutorial for this week: Molding Mesh (I’ve attached a PDF that shows the step by step process as well as the original source file from the Illustrator Wow book.

Next week’s lesson we’ll look at:
How to create and customize Brushes in Illustrator
InDesgin – setting up your booklet. Binding and Paper considerations

If you look into my folder on the school server: ghitchings/public/GRA3611/Week7 you will find examples of former student’s work. It might be helpful to look and see how they set up and designed their project decks.

We will look at the product advertisements the following week. So if you have already completed that, hold on to it for a week. And if you have not yet had a chance to work on that, you have two more weeks to do so.

Have a nice week! Send me and email if you have questions.



Week6 – GRA3611

Hello all,

For tomorrow you should have your finalized logo – in Illustrator and one product rendering.
If I did not receive your product research doc I would like a copy of that tomorrow as well. That will serve as the text for your project deck. (Think of the example I showed last week in class.)
I would also like you to bring in the sketches for your product magazine ad – from last week.

Tomorrow in class we will go over all the above items, I will begin to show you how to set up your books in InDesign so you can stat implementing the pieces as you finish them off. And we will work on creating the ads from your sketches, recreating them in illustrator.

See you tomorrow!

Week5 – GRA3611


This week in class we reviewed:
1. Envelope Distort
2. Live Trace
3. And Live Paint
If you need help with any of the three, look at the tutorials I’ve posted Week4.

On Weds I introduced:
1. The Gradient Mesh tool
2. And I showed how to work with Texture using the Transparency palette.

Here are two very useful tutorials that recap what we looked at:
Adding Texture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coE27IqCvW8
Gradient Mesh Tool Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AmtaaRKJaY

1. Finalize your logo (I would like to collect the completed illustrator file)
2. Create one rendering of your product – in illustrator
3. Bring in three concept sketches for a Magazine ad (pencil and paper is fine).  You should have a specific magazine in mind – relevant to your product.
4. I would like to collect the GRA3611-ProductResearch handout given in Week3  (this along with your logo and product renderings will count towards you Mid-term grade).

Let me know if you have questions!


Week4 – GRA3611

Hello class,

Today we looked at:
1. Envelope Distort in Illustrator for tweaking the shape of the words. Here are two online tutorials that show how and why you might want to use it:


2. We also looked at live trace and live paint. Here are two additional online tutorials:
Live trace: http://www.tutorial9.net/tutorials/illustrator-tutorials/adobe-illustrator-tip-1-intro-and-livetrace/
Live paint: http://www.duoh.com/varia/illustrator_livepaint/

(Note: all the examples above are from different versions of Illustrator. The interface might be slightly different in CS5 but the basic concepts are the same.)

Next week we will begin to create an ad campaign for your product.
1. Finalize your logo in Illustrator (feel free to email me if you want some feedback).
2. Bring in three sketches of your product – we will render them in Illustrator.
3. Next week we will discuss creating an ad campaign for your product. Start to think about what this might entail for your product. We will be using illustrator. Bring in any necessary photographs/ images.

Have a great week and let me know if you have questions!

Week3 – GRA3611

Hello! I hope you are enjoying the long weekend.

Here is the handout I gave in class: GRA3611-ProductResearch – it is due 3/9/11.

In our last class we looked at the pathfinder palette and the different kinds of blending tools. It might be helpful to go through this tutorial just as an exercise if you are unfamiliar with blends and paths:

At this point everyone should have an idea for their product design/redesign. If you do not, please email me and lets try to nail it down this week. For homework I would like you to:
1. finish your inspiration boards
2. come up with a name for your product
3. choose two of your logo designs from your sketches and render them in illustrator

In our next class I will ask you all to present your ideas and designs to the class. This will be a nice opportunity for you to get feedback on your work.

We will not be meeting this week. Our next class is 3/2/11.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Enjoy the rest of the week!