COMD2327 – Week10

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a nice spring break! Please read carefully:

No class 4/20

Reminder: we will not be meeting this week, Thursday 4/20. The day follows a Monday schedule.

Snowstorm Make-up Assignment: 

Because we missed a day of class do to the snow storm back in February, I would like to post the make-up assignment to the blog here. Design the cover of your Calendar and the pages of the 12 months. I ask that you all to set aside time to work on it before our next class meeting. Make sure your work includes each of the following bullets:

  • Months of Calendar:
    ❑ Used master pages for repeated elements
    ❑ Updated all months and years to actual content
    ❑ Included brief line explaining main type problem
  • Cover
    ❑ The cover should have a typographic solution
    ❑ Work to correct size and proportion: 11 x 8.5″
    ❑ If art bleeds your must allow a 1/8” bleed all around
    ❑ Leave at least 1.5” at top without any essential info (to avoid binding conflict)
    ❑ If you include a bleed – when you go to print you will have to print larger than 11 x 8.5 and then trim it down.

Mid-term Grade

In the next three days you should each be receiving an individual email from me with your grade for the calendar. The grade and feedback will be as a PDF attachment. I am being very critical in my feedback so that you can turn in perfect finished piece. Please read carefully and make all necessary corrections. Please check your CityTech email. I must collect the final, completed Calendar by Tuesday May 2nd.

Homework DUE 4/27

  • Finalize project Urban Legend booklet (based on feedback, include cover and calendar months).
  • Collect research for Project 2 (see handout given last week).
    1. One of the articles should be a feature story – about 2-3 pages in length.
    2. One article should be a collection of 8-10 facts. For example if your subject is food, perhaps you would find 8-10 seasonal, local vegetables to feature.
    3. One article should be an interview (related to subject matter of course).
  • Establishing style-guide for magazine. Begin to layout the feature article (see ‘Lab’ above)