
Welcome to the last week of the semester!! Hard to believe.

All final work DUE – end of day Thursday, May 21st.

  • Please check and update the dropbox folder. You should have something saved into each of the class folders. If you have submitted just URLs in the past, you must submit the actual files for all your final grade.
Project 1 – Banner
  • Make sure you loop and link your project to project 2.
  • Make sure you have saved stage 1-4 into the dropbox folder. I should have your original Edge file as well as your linked and looped ‘published folder’ inside that folder should be a ‘packaged’ folder and a ‘web folder’
  • Here is an example file (I used from a previous student’s project). If you open the edge file you will see it links to the project 2 and loops: Tommy-Frackin

Project 2 –

  • Make sure you have saved stage 5-7 into the dropbox folder. I should have your original Edge file as well as your ‘published’ and your ‘packaged’ folder
Final Project Presentation
  • I am hosting office hours (N1127) from 4-6 in case you have any technical issues to resolve. I do not want to spend the class time resolving last minute issues.
  • Our last class should be fun and include final presentations in class is part of your final project grade.
  • You’ll be in front of the class using the main computer and projector. You may bring your file on flash drive or download it from the class site if you prefer (do both to be safe!).
  • I would like you to include the following information:
    1. A demonstration of your final project (project 1 & 2)
    2. If you have them, your original layout looked like – PDF comps
    3. Problems you encountered, or the reasons things changed from the original draft if that is the case. And also what you particularly pleased with.

COMD3662 – Week14


  • Continue work on part 2.
  • Make sure all content has been proofed for typos.

Lesson Review last weeks lessons – files here: Week11 and Week12 and week13-lesson

  • Creating interactive buttons – different states of a button
  • Responsive layouts

In Class

  • Inspiration sites?
  • Lab-time to work on part 2. Make sure you set up accurate project dimensions. Recommended size: 960px X 500px.


  • Take-home quiz: create a button with roll-over states in edge

COMD3662 – Week13

Congratulations to those of you who made it into the Grace Gallery show!


  • Project 2 layout – should be created as a mock-up in either Photoshop or Illustrator. Save into folder on dropbox: ‘Stage5-StaticPorject2’

Lesson last weeks lesson continued – download lesson files here: Week11 and Week12 and week13-lesson

  • Here is the online tutorial. I really recommend reading through:
  • Timeline Triggers
  • Creating interactive buttons – different states of a button
  • Responsive layouts

In Class

  • Inspiration sites?
  • Lab-time to work on part 2. Make sure you set up accurate project dimensions. Recommended size: 960px X 500px.


  • Continue work on part 2. Finalize layout based on in-class critique.
  • Begin to prepare for saving for web.

COMD3662 – Week12


  1. Final edits project 1 based on class critique. Then update ‘packaged file’ via dropbox: ‘Stage2-PublishedBanner(DeploymentPackage)’
  2. Make sure your latest version of the banner is posted to your URL
  3. Finalize draft of project 2 layout – should be created as a mock-up in either Photoshop or Illustrator.

Lesson last weeks lesson continued – download lesson files here: Week11 and Week12

  • Here is the online tutorial. I really recommend reading through:
  • Timeline Triggers
  • Labels
  • Cursor change
  • Instance Name
  • Symbols
  • Creating interactive buttons – different states of a button

In Class


  • Take-home quiz: create a button with roll-over states in edge
  • Continue work on part 2. Finalize layout based on in-class critique.
  • Begin to prepare for saving for web.

COMD3662 – Week11


  • Design for layout/ storyboard for part2 of the project.
  • Make final edits to project 1 based on class critique. Hand in via dropbox and upload to your site – collecting for Grace Gallery Show!

Lesson Download lesson files here: Week11

  • Here is the online tutorial. I really recommend reading through:
  • Interactive (scripting) part of the program.
  • Symbols
  • Sophisticated Navigation
  • Embedding into an existing site

In Class

  • Lab time to work on project 2. Project dimensions: recommended size: 960px X 500px.
  • In class critique of static design
  • Example site from class dicoveries


  • Continue work on part2 of project

COMD3662 – Week10


  • Visit: Paul Rand exhibit. Write a three paragraph paper on your favorite piece from the show. Save it into the class dropbox folder with your name on it: ‘Stage3-PaulRandExhibit’
  • Content for part 2 of the project DUE when we return from Spring break. See handout: COMD3662_SiteStructure
    Save it into the class dropbox folder with your name on it: ‘Stage4-SiteStructure’

Lesson continued – lesson-week9 – part 2: Week10-Lesson

  • Interactive (scripting) part of the program.
  • Timeline Triggers
  • Labels
  • Cursor change
  • Instance Name
  • Typography – online web fonts

In Class
Lab time to begin designing storyboard part 2. Project dimensions: recommended size: 960px X 500px.



  • Continue designing the layout/ storyboard for part2 of the project.
  • Make final edits to project 1 based on class critique. Then hand in via dropbox.
  • I recently came across this video. It’s already three years old but I think it’s worth watching:

COMD3662 – Week9

Reminder for early birds there is pizza in the Grace Gallery from 5-6PM!


  • Peer Assessment evaluation of banner
  • URL of banners were to be posted on the class blog under week8 comments. Please make sure yours is there.
  • Mid-term evaluations


  • Meet in class room – go over next steps for project 2
  • Meet The Pros @ 6.30pm in the Atrium Amphitheatre. Mr. JD Michaels from BBDO New York’s EVP Director of Diversity and Creative Engineering and Tactile Production


  • Visit: Paul Rand exhibit. Write a three paragraph paper on your favorite piece from the show. Why is it your favorite? Please identify the following in your essay:
    1. at what point in his career was it created? Who was he working for?
    2. any major outside influences in his work?
    3. the design challenge and solution
    4. the process involved in actually producing the piece.
  • Content for part 2 of the project DUE when we return from Spring break. See handout: COMD3662_SiteStructure

COMD3662 – Week8

DUE First draft of completed banner animation.


  • In class critique
  • Peer Assessment worksheet see week 6
  • New inspiration websites?
  • Experiment with Edge Animate
  • Next week: Meet the Pros – field trip – we will meet in class
  • Publishing banner in Edge Animate – post your URL (sub domain)
  • We will preview next weeks lesson: lesson-week9
    The lesson gets into the interactive (scripting) part of the program.


COMD3662 – Week7



  • Review last weeks lesson – Edge Animate: animation tools – key frame tools and symbols
  • We will review Week6′s lesson


  • Any new inspiration websites?
  • Peer Assessment worksheet from last week
  • Time to work on animation
  • Experiment with Edge Animate
  • Once storyboard is approved you can begin to save graphics for web and start to set up Edge file


COMD3662 – Week6


  • Static, realized design comp of your storyboard. This should basically be the finalized PSA designed statically in Photoshop or Illustrator).

In Class

  • Break into groups. Review peer-assessment worksheet: COMD3662-PeerAssessment
  • Time to work on storyboard and layer comps for your PSA in Photoshop (728x210px – 72dpi)


  • Review Edge Animate: Interface, palettes, creating graphics, creating animations
  • Working with symbols
  • Intro to triggers
  • Download lesson here: week6-lesson


  • Start to organize your content for part 2 of the project. See handout: COMD3662_SiteStructure
  • Refine PSA ad based on in-class feedback
  • Research at least 3 inspirational sites
  • Begin to save PSA images for web and organize document in Edge Animate