Homework DUE
- Finish off booklet. PDF should be in dropbox Week7 folder. We will continue to review and refine.
- Tony DiSpigna
- Matteo Bologna
- Paula Scher
- Massimo Vignelli
- Justifying type in InDesign. See example: JustifyingType
- How to refine the spacing of justified type:
- Discussion of project 2. Choose one of the following subject categories:
1. Fashion
2. Sport
3. Food/ Cuisine
4. Travel/ Leisure
We will pair off into groups to conduct content research: 3 articles and related imagery.
- Continue to refine Urban Legend booklet according to in-class critique.
- Collect research for project 2 based on group discussions. Choose a subject category from the list above for your iPad Magazine. Find two existing (digital) articles based on your subject matter that you can use for 2 of the 4 stories that will be required for the project. Save them into the dopbox folder ‘Mag-Subjects’
1. One of the articles should be a feature story – about 2-3 pages in length.
2. The other article should be a collection of 8-10 facts. For example if your subject is food, perhaps you would find 8-10 seasonal, local vegetables to feature. An image for each with a related fact. - Since we did not get to any presentations in class last week we will push them into next week’s class. Please come prepared!