- Visit: http://www.mcny.org/exhibition/everything-design Paul Rand exhibit. Write a three paragraph paper on your favorite piece from the show. Save it into the class dropbox folder with your name on it: ‘Stage3-PaulRandExhibit’
- Content for part 2 of the project DUE when we return from Spring break. See handout: COMD3662_SiteStructure
Save it into the class dropbox folder with your name on it: ‘Stage4-SiteStructure’
Lesson continued – lesson-week9 – part 2: Week10-Lesson
- Interactive (scripting) part of the program.
- Timeline Triggers
- Labels
- Cursor change
- Instance Name
- Typography – online web fonts
In Class
Lab time to begin designing storyboard part 2. Project dimensions: recommended size: 960px X 500px.
Example: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/03/14/opinion/food-chains-planet-pasta.html
- Continue designing the layout/ storyboard for part2 of the project.
- Make final edits to project 1 based on class critique. Then hand in via dropbox.
- I recently came across this video. It’s already three years old but I think it’s worth watching: http://www.aiga.org/video-gain-2010-harris/